Working remotely 101: Have you ever wondered how to be one of those glamorous travel bloggers who gets paid to lay on the beach? Same here, but I’ve found a way to get pretty close to that… I love adventure. Traveling funnily enough gives me anxiety, but maybe I’m just addicted to the adrenaline rush […]

Career, Travel

Working Remotely 101

Emily on a trip to India trying a coconut.

I really hope you’ll check out my first podcast! If you know me, you probably know trying new things is one of my favorite things to do, even if it’s reluctantly. However, public speaking isn’t really my strong suit. I can speak to a camera and do Youtube videos and reels, but only because I […]

Career, Manifestation

My first podcast!

My time as a virtual assistant opened up so many doors and gave me the opportunity to learn how to run a business. I tripled my income in the first month of business and have been able to support myself completely while working part time. If you have a few minutes to watch the video […]

Career, Finance, Youtube

My Time as a Virtual Assistant

Emily sitting at her desk

Welcome to day two of posting everyday for a month! Today I want to chat about how I started my business. Like I spoke about yesterday, I started at the beginning of the pandemic and when I was diagnosed with Crohn’s. I wanted to have a job that was flexible, remote at least part time, […]

Career, Healing, Manifestation, Youtube

Starting a Design Business

Managing work with a chronic illness is difficult, but in unexpected ways. For me, it’s less about not feeling well and more about the amount of doctors appointments and need for flexibility. I can work a 40+ hour a week, and often do as a new business owner, but knowing I can take an afternoon […]

Career, Youtube

Managing Work and a Chronic Illness

Emily sitting at her desk

In the last few weeks, I’ve been building out my design business!


Holistic Health Let Me to Holistic Design

I got my mid-certificate at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition!

Career, Healing

I Got My Mid-Certificate for Health Coaching