As we slowly start to transition out of covid-life, most of us will be bombarded with change. After all, our bodies and minds are now probably quite used to being secluded at home with minimal outside stimuli. So how can you prepare for the changes to come?


Navigating Change with Chronic Illness

How I healed my cystic acne in just two days.


How I Cleared my Hormonal Acne in 2 Days

We often don’t live like our authentic selves in our day to day because of societal programming, but society thrives on people who are different. These people are living as their authentic selves unapologetically.

Lifestyle, Spirituality

Discover Your Authentic Self

This week I thought I’d share all my lovely Instagram followers’ tips on how to get, and maintain, healthy and glowing skin and hair!


Followers’ Tips for Clear Skin

I am so excited to announce that I am writing an ebook! In today’s post, I want to share with you guys the most important thing I touch on in the ebook: the six pillars of healing.


Foundations of Healing

New Years resolutions are trash. Simply because you do not need to be fixed. Instead, I like to focus on setting intentions and reevaluating my goals, and this is why:


Intentions and Goals VS Resolutions

It’s ok to have a practice that makes you feel connected that doesn’t fit into any church practice or spiritual practice that influencers might post on Instagram.

Healing, Spirituality

Finding a Spiritual Practice

The other day I had an appointment with my gastroenterologist. In that appointment, I expressed I was shocked to find that it had been three months since I spoke with her and I had still been able to manage my Crohn’s Symptoms on my own without a third round of antibiotics or calling her up […]


The Guilt & Gratitude of Being a Miracle

My pain and desperation fueled my need to understand my body, and the minute I learned and started watching videos and reading scientific articles, my mindset changed. Instead of feeling helpless, I became in control.


What Crohn’s Disease Feels Like

As we go into the holiday season, it’s important to remember that while it’s the season of giving, we have to give to ourselves as well. Focusing inward is my favorite part of my routine, and I make sure to go through my mental checklist every once and awhile to make sure I’m acting on my goals and promises to myself.


Checklist for Focusing Inward