In today’s episode: Finding Love in the World Around You, whether you’re in a relationship or not, I wanted to talk about how you can easily find love around you and within yourself. I remember being in college and between relationships and really struggling with resentment towards the couples around me and wondering why I […]

Healing, Podcast

Finding Love in the World Around You

Podcast show notes for Episode 5: Learn to Love Yourself at Any Stage: How to start inner child work. Intro First Part The only person that will be by your side unconditionally and always is yourself. Be kind to yourself. It took me 25 years to feel love towards myself. I had moments of pride […]


How to start inner child work.

While journaling, meditating, nourishing my body, doing yoga/pilates, and having a routine help me maintain homeostasis in my body and mind, the following help me cope when the world outside is turbulent and I can feel it start to impact me:

Healing, Lifestyle

How to Soothe Chronic Stress – The Root of Illness

*if you listen to “it’s summer 1983, you fell in love somewhere in northern italy” while you vision board, it’s a whole mood


How I Make Vision Boards

It’s ok to have a practice that makes you feel connected that doesn’t fit into any church practice or spiritual practice that influencers might post on Instagram.

Healing, Spirituality

Finding a Spiritual Practice

The other day I had an appointment with my gastroenterologist. In that appointment, I expressed I was shocked to find that it had been three months since I spoke with her and I had still been able to manage my Crohn’s Symptoms on my own without a third round of antibiotics or calling her up […]


The Guilt & Gratitude of Being a Miracle