On today’s podcast ep: Card Pull & Finding Inspiration for Your Prayer Practice, I dive into how I use a “controversial” spiritual practice within the Christian world to find inspiration for my prayer practice. As a Christian, I’ve spent the last few years struggling to identify myself. I combine a few different methods of practicing […]

Healing, Podcast, Spirituality

Card Pull & Finding Inspiration for Your Prayer Practice

It’s ok to have a practice that makes you feel connected that doesn’t fit into any church practice or spiritual practice that influencers might post on Instagram.

Healing, Spirituality

Finding a Spiritual Practice

The other day I had an appointment with my gastroenterologist. In that appointment, I expressed I was shocked to find that it had been three months since I spoke with her and I had still been able to manage my Crohn’s Symptoms on my own without a third round of antibiotics or calling her up […]


The Guilt & Gratitude of Being a Miracle