Hello and welcome back to the blog! We have a new podcast episode today. Here is the transcript and show notes! So you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness…Responsibility and surrender Intro Hello lovely people and welcome to the Lovely Digest podcast. I am your host and friend Emily, founder and creative director at BECK […]

Healing, Podcast

So you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness…Responsibility and surrender

Welcome to The Lovely Digest Podcast! Crohn’s, Wellness, and Living Life Wholistically – Watch Here Here are the show notes and transcript for my first ever podcast on The Lovely Digest. I’m so excited to be sharing this with you! Enjoy! My story: Crohn’s, Youtube, health coaching, navigating life and starting the podcast! Intro Hello […]

Healing, Podcast

Welcome to The Lovely Digest Podcast! Crohn’s, Wellness, and Living Life Wholistically

Come with me to my infusion this week! I have Inflectra infusions every eight weeks. Luckily I can go to a center near my house. Usually I’ll take some time off to rest, or just make sure I don’t have any calls the next day so I can stay in bed and listen to my […]

Healing, Youtube

Come With Me to My Infusion

Emily sitting at her desk

While journaling, meditating, nourishing my body, doing yoga/pilates, and having a routine help me maintain homeostasis in my body and mind, the following help me cope when the world outside is turbulent and I can feel it start to impact me:

Healing, Lifestyle

How to Soothe Chronic Stress – The Root of Illness

It got me thinking about how I have not had a single migraine since September 2020 … aka the month I came off birth control.


The End of My Migraine Journey

Holistic health is really about looking at the whole picture, rather than zooming into symptoms.

Healing, Lifestyle

What “Holistic” Health Actually Means

This week I thought I’d share all my lovely Instagram followers’ tips on how to get, and maintain, healthy and glowing skin and hair!


Followers’ Tips for Clear Skin

I am so excited to announce that I am writing an ebook! In today’s post, I want to share with you guys the most important thing I touch on in the ebook: the six pillars of healing.


Foundations of Healing

The other day I had an appointment with my gastroenterologist. In that appointment, I expressed I was shocked to find that it had been three months since I spoke with her and I had still been able to manage my Crohn’s Symptoms on my own without a third round of antibiotics or calling her up […]


The Guilt & Gratitude of Being a Miracle

Recently on my instagram, @thelovelydigest, I’ve started sharing more reels about how you can jump start your healing process and take actionable steps to change your life. Because these steps are so crucial in leading a healthy life, I wanted to go into more detail about them here.


Actionable Steps for Starting Your Own Healing Journey