How to Create a New Years Goal that Works Intro First Part How many years have you completely failed with your New Year’s resolution, forgot about it entirely, or felt incredibly guilty? That is no way to start out a New Year. You should start your 2023 feeling empowered, excited, and fresh. New Year’s resolutions […]


How to Create a New Years Goal that Works

Crohn’s Disease Safe Holiday Recipe Ideas Intro First Part Happy holidays all! I cannot believe it’s already the end of December. I hope you all have a lovely holiday season and New Year wherever you are and whatever you celebrate. I’m still just on cloud 9 from our Europe trip and visiting France’s and Switzerland’s […]

Nutrition, Podcast

Crohn’s Disease Safe Holiday Recipe Ideas

How to Cure Jet Lag Intro First Part Sticking with the travel-related pods this month in the hopes that they’re useful for anyone traveling home for the holidays! If you are, I would love to know where you’re from and where you’re headed over on Instagram @lovelydigest  Beating jet lag is something I have really […]


How to Cure Jet Lag

Can You Travel With Crohn’s Disease? Intro First Part Can you travel with Crohn’s Disease? If you listened to the last episode, the answer is clearly a resounding yes. But if you’re not in remission, this answer is a little more complicated. In May 2022, it was my first time traveling abroad with my disease, […]


Can You Travel with Crohn’s Disease?

Maintaining Good Health While Traveling Intro First Part While you’re listening to this episode, Mike and I are currently packing for our trip to Europe tomorrow. In June I was talking to my Grandpa and he told me all about his travels to visit family in Strasbourg France. My family dug out the ancestry books […]


Maintaining Good Health While Traveling Show Notes

Podcast show notes for Episode 8: One simple hack that changed my digestion. Intro First Part I’m super curious to know how last week’s assignment went and if you were able to learn more about your digestive system. I’d love to chat about it with you over on Instagram @lovelydigest  As you can imagine, I […]

Healing, Nutrition, Podcast

One simple hack that changed my digestion.

Podcast show notes for Episode 7, Body Basics: How the digestive tract functions Intro First Part I want to preface this episode with, “I’m not a doctor.” I’m a certified holistic health and wellness coach which means I’m here to help you work through accessing your bio-individuality and giving you practical advice to incorporate into […]

Healing, Podcast

Body Basics: How the digestive tract functions

Podcast show notes for Episode 6: What is Bio-Individuality and Why is it Important? Intro First Part Let’s talk about bio-individuality. Bio-individuality is defined as the idea that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to health and nutrition. Instead, we’re all unique in our biological makeup and requirements. Each person has their own specific nutritive and health […]


What is Bio-Individuality and Why is it Important?

Podcast show notes for Episode 5: Learn to Love Yourself at Any Stage: How to start inner child work. Intro First Part The only person that will be by your side unconditionally and always is yourself. Be kind to yourself. It took me 25 years to feel love towards myself. I had moments of pride […]


How to start inner child work.

The Areas of Life – podcast show notes and transcript. Enjoy! Intro Hello lovely people and welcome to the Lovely Digest podcast. I am your host and friend Emily, founder and creative director at BECK Creative, sharing weekly wellness wisdom with you every Wednesday. My goal is to help you design your dream life and […]

Lifestyle, Podcast

The Areas of Life