Kevin Connelly is a breath-work teacher, cold exposure guide, and founder of Mexico-based ReConnect. He leads breath workshops, ice baths, and teaches clients about functional breathing and the power of healing your body naturally. In the episode Kevin and I talk about his journey to finding breath-work as a tool to help pull himself out […]
Watch on Youtube or listen on the podcast I’ve noticed lately that I have a hard time staying grounded. This is only something I’ve been able to discern since getting Crohn’s Disease, and I think that’s because I’ve become more in tune with my body. But lately I’ve been feeling dizzy, all over the place, […]
As we go into the holiday season, it’s important to remember that while it’s the season of giving, we have to give to ourselves as well. Focusing inward is my favorite part of my routine, and I make sure to go through my mental checklist every once and awhile to make sure I’m acting on my goals and promises to myself.