How to Create a New Years Goal that Works Intro First Part How many years have you completely failed with your New Year’s resolution, forgot about it entirely, or felt incredibly guilty? That is no way to start out a New Year. You should start your 2023 feeling empowered, excited, and fresh. New Year’s resolutions […]


How to Create a New Years Goal that Works

While journaling, meditating, nourishing my body, doing yoga/pilates, and having a routine help me maintain homeostasis in my body and mind, the following help me cope when the world outside is turbulent and I can feel it start to impact me:

Healing, Lifestyle

How to Soothe Chronic Stress – The Root of Illness

*if you listen to “it’s summer 1983, you fell in love somewhere in northern italy” while you vision board, it’s a whole mood


How I Make Vision Boards

As we slowly start to transition out of covid-life, most of us will be bombarded with change. After all, our bodies and minds are now probably quite used to being secluded at home with minimal outside stimuli. So how can you prepare for the changes to come?


Navigating Change with Chronic Illness

New Years resolutions are trash. Simply because you do not need to be fixed. Instead, I like to focus on setting intentions and reevaluating my goals, and this is why:


Intentions and Goals VS Resolutions