Watch here:—0aCL-GY One of my favorite things to learn about in the last year has been biohacking. Specifically biohacking for women and chronic illness. If you’re interested in that and want to learn more, leave a comment down below or via email, Today I want to cover biohacking basics and what biohacking is. […]

Healing, Podcast, Youtube

Biohacking Basics for Women and Chronic Illness

Cultivating Hope – podcast show notes and transcript. Enjoy! Intro Hello lovely people and welcome to the Lovely Digest podcast. I am your host and friend Emily, founder and creative director at BECK Creative, sharing weekly wellness wisdom with you every Wednesday. My goal is to help you design your dream life and make the […]

Healing, Podcast

Cultivating Hope

Hello and welcome back to the blog! We have a new podcast episode today. Here is the transcript and show notes! So you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness…Responsibility and surrender Intro Hello lovely people and welcome to the Lovely Digest podcast. I am your host and friend Emily, founder and creative director at BECK […]

Healing, Podcast

So you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness…Responsibility and surrender

While journaling, meditating, nourishing my body, doing yoga/pilates, and having a routine help me maintain homeostasis in my body and mind, the following help me cope when the world outside is turbulent and I can feel it start to impact me:

Healing, Lifestyle

How to Soothe Chronic Stress – The Root of Illness

It got me thinking about how I have not had a single migraine since September 2020 … aka the month I came off birth control.


The End of My Migraine Journey

This week I thought I’d share all my lovely Instagram followers’ tips on how to get, and maintain, healthy and glowing skin and hair!


Followers’ Tips for Clear Skin

New Years resolutions are trash. Simply because you do not need to be fixed. Instead, I like to focus on setting intentions and reevaluating my goals, and this is why:


Intentions and Goals VS Resolutions