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OK I LOVE talking about how to lucid dream. I know it’s a bit random, but if you know me, you’ve definitely heard of my whack dreams and how I dream every single night and how every single one of my dreams takes place post-apocalypse. Yep. Since I was little I haven’t had a dream that doesn’t take place after the world ends. Which, let’s see if I can talk about this without going down a rabbit hole and getting off topic, but I recently had a revelation that I believe that’s because I’m here to help the world move into a new era of health and wellness first and expansion of the mind. I truly believe we all have a sixth intuitive sense and are standing on the precipice of a world where it’s common to talk about gut feelings, synchronicities and have what’s considered “woo-woo” become more common.
Wow a little proud of myself for not completely going on a tangent, but today I really want to tell you how to lucid dream. I’ve always been able to lucid dream and after watching one of my favorite movies, Inception, I became obsessed with lucid dreaming and how to world build in my sleep. This has developed into my borderline-obsession with healing the subconscious through sleep. While I view dream reading with a bit of a critical eye, I do think each of our dreams contains a message only we can truly decipher, and that what we dream about or how a dream makes us feel is a guiding star to healing subconscious beliefs. Yes, even the really weird and seemingly random and pointless dreams have a message buried in there. And if you’re lucid dreaming, you have the power to ask questions, call people to you, and talk directly to your subconscious.
Getting to the point of lucid dream takes a lot of practice depending on where you’re at with your dreams currently. If you wake up and don’t remember dreaming, it’s not that you didn’t dream at all, but that you just need to take some time and lay in bed and follow your emotions. Emotions when you first wake up are threads to your dreams. If you can’t remember your dream, lay there in your half-sleep and just really feel into that emotion when you first wake up and see what comes up. Often a piece or two will come to you. The key is to not overthink and just practice this until you start remembering more and more.
When you can remember scenes from your dreams, keep a pen and paper handy and as soon as you wake up, write down the thread of the emotion and then the scenes you remember.
When you can write down a full dream and it feels complete, write a phrase or draw something on your hand. You might have to do this quite a few times – the trick is to have your brain remember that you have writing on your hand while you’re sleeping. It doesn’t matter what it is, but eventually, you’ll remember to look at your hand and the message is usually gone or something completely different. This is how I got myself to wake up in the dream when I was younger.
When you first start waking up in your dreams, it can feel really, really hard to stay grounded. What helps is to imagine all your weight in you feet. Remember – you can literally do anything you want in your dreams. You could become an animal, be weightless, change your haircolor, shapeshift… literally do anything. So just imagine yourself grounding into the dream.
Once you’ve mastered being able to stay grounded and in the dream and observe the world around you, practice calling someone to you. You can call a passed loved one, someone you want to talk to, but know you shouldn’t, like an ex or someone you’re fighting with. When you start to make demands in a dream, that can challenge your ability to stay grounded and asleep, but with practice, it will get easier.
Practice is key with lucid dreaming. The more you practice, the easier it will get and the more it’ll happen. Eventually you can try world building. I have a dreamscape that I return to time and time again. It’s my dream home that I picture myself living in when I die one day. It’s a beautiful and calming space, so if I ever want to go there, I picture moving around in it as I fall asleep, and usually I’ll go there.
Sometimes, especially if you read or watch TV right before bed, your brain will just be dead set on processing that instead of doing what you want it to do. Don’t fight it, but gently suggest changing scenes or people. It doesn’t take a lot to shift a dream, and often the more you force, the more you’ll wake up.
Your assignment might be a bit obvious today – try lucid dreaming! It’s so much fun and so cool and rewarding. With that, I hope you have an awesome week and I’ll talk to you soon!
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