Welcome to the blog, a journal about health, wellbeing and life. Stay awhile and say hello!
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Come with me to my infusion this week! I have Inflectra infusions every eight weeks. Luckily I can go to a center near my house. Usually I’ll take some time off to rest, or just make sure I don’t have any calls the next day so I can stay in bed and listen to my body. Although each infusion gets easier and easier!!
Please make sure to like and subscribe to my channel – it helps so much and I really appreciate you following along! While I love that I set such an ambitious goal to post every weekday for a month, I’ve decided to try for one a week. I don’t love the quality of what I’ve been putting out and I want my videos to reflect that which I’d do for my clients. I’ll be posting a how I pack video later next month, but overall you can definitely expect more from me soon!