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A little forewarning, this post isn’t all that bright and cheery. I’ve been struggling quite a bit and wanted to share with you in case anyone resonates.
Five months ago I came off the pill. I had been experiencing migraines with aura for about three years prior and had a scary stroke-like episode. A few months later, I developed Crohn’s Disease and couldn’t hold down the pill anymore. Because my digestive system wasn’t absorbing food the same, I was throwing up every morning. Considering I had already lost 20 pounds in about six weeks, I stopped taking the birth control immediately. I had planned to switch to a new pill because I was taking a pill that increased risk of stroke with migraine with aura, but I knew intuitively that my body wouldn’t be able to handle a change let alone absorb a new pill if I couldn’t take the other one.
I felt lucky coming off the pill, I immediately got my period and over the next four months it slowly spaced itself out and became a normal cycle length – 28 days. It also became so much lighter and I was no longer experiencing PMS. But it was also in month four that I started breaking out. I looked it up and it seemed normal to break out if you quit cold turkey and didn’t support your system before coming off the pill. I started supplementing with vitamins recommended to me and eating more beans and cilantro to carry out excess hormones.
Flash forward to month five and my skin is the worst it’s ever been. I have always had some acne, but this is now down my neck and down my back … acne I’ve never experienced before. The cysts on my face give me actual headaches and my hair is falling out and brittle. My self confidence is the lowest it’s ever been and I wake up at night every time I roll over on my side because my face is so tender. Nothing I do seems to help.
I’m not advocating for staying on the pill by any means if you don’t want to, but 100% support your system with a health coach or at the very least do your research. I didn’t have time to start supporting my system before coming off the pill, but I wish I did! I will say that this time as made me very in tune with my body. Because it’s not a life threatening issue, I’ve been able to use this as an opportunity to forgive my body and practice taking responsibility. I chose to take the pill for seven years. I may have not known better and was told by doctor’s it would help me, but I trusted blindly and didn’t check in with myself yearly to do my own research or consult a health coach.
I strongly believe that the pill contributed to Crohn’s Disease and it brought down my mental health. In just one month off the pill I felt free. I literally felt a weight off my shoulders when I stopped taking it because I knew intuitively it wasn’t in alignment with my authentic self. I almost immediately healed after that from Crohn’s and my depression and anxiety became occasional visitors instead of constant companions. I still cannot believe that the doctor told me it would help my periods … when I literally have 4 day periods now that barely require a regular tampon versus 7-8 day bleeds and only 45 minutes wearing a Super before I bled through.
There’s no moral of the story today haha, just me sharing my experience and reminding you to trust your instincts. If being on the pill makes you feel safe, you do you, just make sure you check in and make sure it’s truly serving you. There are so many options now! My future plans include starting the Bean Protocol by Karen Hurd and seeing if that helps ease this acne pain!! I have high hopes. 🙂 I will make sure to write about my experience in a few weeks, but for now, I love you guys and I am with you. Sending lots of love to everyone and especially those dealing with cystic acne. You’re a fighter.