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Healing light meditations have been pretty much at the center of my healing journey. They single handedly reduce my pain and help me feel more radiant, energetic, and healthy. When I was very sick, any time I felt a sharp pain I returned to meditation. This was about every fifteen minutes! By leaning into the pain and learning how to process it in a different way, I felt myself healing internally at a much quicker rate.
Healing light meditations can be found almost anywhere; I use the Insight Timer app. You can even do them by yourself, but I recommend learning how via a guided meditation the first few times! I start mine with several deep belly breaths and bring my focus back into my body by just feeling my breath come in and leave through my nostrils. Once I feel like my thoughts are less likely to drift, I imagine a tiny pin prick of light starting to grow in the middle of my belly. It grows and grows until it spreads throughout and fills my body with light. I imagine it working its way through the gaps in my intestines, healing and promoting smooth digestion as it goes. If I have a bad breakout, I also imagine it spreading across my face and healing what’s underneath. I go through my body and let the light and my deep breathing physically warm my body.
The key for me is imagining the light healing up my organs. It closes any open ulcers and repairs the tissues. If you want to read more about how much control we have over our bodies, I highly recommend reading Joe Dispenza’s book, Becoming Supernatural. This book, and listening to podcasts with Joe Dispenza, have changed the way I approach my body. While it’s not necessary to always think positive to heal, it’s amazing how focusing our thoughts on healing the body can actually change how our body functions and what genes get turned on and off. One of the most profound things I learned in mindfulness coaching at the Herbert Benson Institute is that by meditating for four days, fifteen minutes a day, we have the ability to increase immunity and gut function by 50%.
Healing light meditations help to not only reduce pain, but calm the nervous system and the mind. After I feel recharged and ready to continue on my day, pain free. If I ever think about Tylenol or Advil, all I have to do is drink some water with Celtic Sea Salt and do a healing light meditation (and maybe put some Tiger Balm on my neck if I have a headache to increase blood flow) and I’m good. If anything, meditation helps you connect with your body and start asking it what it needs from you, and starts to shift that mindset that our bodies are machines. Our bodies are actually gardens that need our care and attention!