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Ebook teaser incoming! I am so excited to announce that I am writing an ebook! In today’s post, I want to share with you guys the most important thing I touch on in the ebook: the six pillars of healing. While I’m still writing the book and working on defining these pillars, I wanted to give a summary of what you can plan on finding in the book to get you excited! Follow me @thelovelydigest on Instagram for updates and release dates.
In the ebook, I will deep dive into my six pillars of healing. These pillars, as I have named them, are all crucial parts of the healing journey. All support one another and work to hold up the roof that is your wellbeing. Odds are, you’re already experiencing or implementing each one into your life in one way or another, so don’t get overwhelmed. It’s just a matter of refining each one to reinforce your wellbeing and by patching any holes: chronic illness, mental health, zest for life. In the ebook I break down actionable steps you can take to tweak each one to match your authentic self and feed your soul.
Inner Child
Many triggers in our life stem from our inner child. By healing old wounds, we become more resilient.
Having a connection to something greater than us alleviates a lot of pressure to have everything figured out in life. Whether it’s God, the Universe, or even something like the ocean, it’s important to find something non-human that is perfect in design, has no cares, and that you feel safe to come back to.
A purpose is something, or things, that we feel incredibly passionate about in life that keep us going. This can be found in our hobbies, daydreams, and for some, their careers. It can be taking care of a family, a pet, healing a relationship with a parent, learning and practicing yoga, or being an accountant. It’s simply your passions in life that make up who you are and why you’re here on earth.
Moving our body in a way that suits us best creates blood flow and stimulates digestive function in the body. If you’re really sick, doing small movements on the couch are fine too. Whether you learn gentle self massage or work out at the gym for an hour a day, it’s all up to what makes you feel amazing and gets your blood circulating.
Nutrition is by far one of the most important pillars. What food we put in our bodies is directly related to the kind of energy we get from our cells that keep us going morning, noon, and night.
Accountability and who we surround ourselves with in life is also so important. We are most like the people directly around us. While it’s not necessary to “out” people from our life, it’s important to evaluate where we put, and who we delegate, our energy to.
I cannot wait to share this ebook with you and hope you enjoyed this preview! These are all things that helped me to heal naturally from Crohn’s Disease and greatly improve my mental health. I still check in regularly to make sure that each pillar is still standing and supporting my wellbeing! So, whether you’re looking to supplement your current care for a chronic illness, want to bolster your current life, or anywhere in between, I strongly recommend you follow my Instagram @thelovelydigest, for updates!