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This is a topic I first heard about on Almost 30 and think it’s so interesting and important to staying true to who you are authentically. From keeping up with social norms, to going to the grocery store, to having someone flip you off on the highway, we’re influenced by others’ energy and actions all day long. So it’s important to clear that at the end of the day to have quality sleep and start out fresh the following day.
By maintaining good energetic hygiene, just as you’d wash your hands, you’re opening up space for your intuition, increasing your ability to be empathetic in your relationships, and creating more peace in your everyday life.
You can do a few things to practice good energetic hygiene:
1. Make space for yourself at the end of the day – even 5-10 minutes to just sit without your phone and reflect on your day. As you go through things that happened in your mind, note any feelings that come up and imagine they’re a cloud passing through your mind on their way to their next destination.
2. Having your own personal dance party is a great way to move energy through the body. Put on some calming music and sway around and move your limbs.
3. Go for a quiet walk in nature without your phone. Listen to the wind through the trees and for any animals. Scan the horizon line and let your eyes see further than your computer or phone. If you can, take off your shoes and ground into the earth or water and note how it feels on your bare feet.
4. Drink water – drinking water helps flush the body of any toxins.
5. Eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies throughout the day and stay away from processed foods and sugar. When you spike your body into a sugar high, it can trigger anxiety, worry, anger, and other emotions you might’ve been able to avoid or feel less of. And we all know that when we’re anxious or angry we don’t necessarily have the best interactions with others.
6. Throughout the day, imagine a ball of white light floating through your body. Take a minute to close your eyes and visualize it passing through your body and acting as a magnet – pulling all of the anxiety and heavy energy out of your body.
7. Clear physical clutter in your environment. Clothes that don’t fit, items from past relationships, and unused items can bring up unwelcome emotions and anxiety as well as take up physical and mental space. Every time you think “I should get rid of that,” it’s a note to your subconscious that you’re not ready to grow into your authentic self because you haven’t taken the time to clear the old.
Your assignment today is to clear energy and practice energetic hygiene this week. Add it to your calendar and tie it to an existing habit so you don’t forget. While you brush your teeth in the morning and evening, close your eyes and visualize that ball of light or recount your day. Put a sticky note on your computer to hydrate and take lunch outside if you can. I’m sending lots of clearing and wholesome energy to you!
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