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What is Bio-Individuality and Why is it Important?
Podcast show notes for Episode 6: What is Bio-Individuality and Why is it Important?
First Part
Let’s talk about bio-individuality. Bio-individuality is defined as the idea that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to health and nutrition. Instead, we’re all unique in our biological makeup and requirements. Each person has their own specific nutritive and health needs, as well as routines, practices, and preferences that work for them.
You got a taste of bio-individuality in the last episode. Hopefully you were thinking about what inner child triggers were coming up during the last week and what you reacted to. You may have even noticed that something that bothered you didn’t bother someone else.
Other examples can be found by looking at the Areas of Life we talked about in Episode 4. In Nutrition, someone might do really well as a vegan, and someone else might feel extremely tired and sluggish.
Something else to note is that your individual needs and bodily requirements change over time. This is a given.
OPT 2: BECK Creative
Second Part
As we progress through life: like change diets, habits, grow and evolve, and age, our bodily needs change.
For example, when I was really sick with Crohn’s, my body needed rest. Yoga relaxed me and made me feel strong. Weight lifting made me feel like I was going to pass out.
Fast forward to today, and as I’ve gained weight and gotten stronger with yoga, I felt restless and in need of something with a little more intensity. That’s when weight lifting felt very aligned, and still does. I put on a podcast instead of intense music and it makes me feel empowered and strong without winding me or making me feel shaky.
My hope is to work up to improving my endurance and cardio abilities, but when it feels right to my body.
I want you to check in with your body. Take a moment and go back to episode one and do the quick meditation at the end of the episode. Then ask yourself how you’re feeling. In a journal, go through your areas of life. If you need to be reminded of what some are, go back and listen to episode 4. Write what you are doing to fulfill each area and how it makes you feel. For example, maybe you’re running for exercise and it makes you feel exhausted/not excited. If the emotion associated is negative, think of something that makes you excited. What sport did you love growing up? Is there an opportunity to recreate those exercises now? Focus on one area and write some action steps in your calendar to bring a little more excitement into your life. Just because something worked for someone else, doesn’t mean it’s a fit for you. Don’t be afraid to try something new!
Show Notes:
“Bio-individuality is defined as the idea that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to health and nutrition.”
Our needs change as we grow and evolve.
My workout experience while healing from Crohn’s.
Your assignment: Assessing where you might be doing what works for other people, and changing those things to work for you and bring more joy into YOUR life.
BECK is a multi-disciplinary marketing studio located in New England and available for travel. To connect, head to beckcreative.co/contact or instagram.com/beckcreative.co
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